802-658-8046, Business Line 802-658-2184, Client Line
A big Thank You to Pam Garcia for what we're going to call "Pam's Pouches"! She creates lovely zippered pouches, large enough to stuff with all sorts of care items for women.
Including wonderful key fobs, which we love! Then what did she do? She came back with one for each staff member at Aspire! I love mine!!! We have the bestest friends!
ALERT! We need all hands on deck, to call your representatives immediately. Please let them know you strongly oppose bill S.37 (An act relating to access to legally protected health care activity and regulation of health care workers). Friends, this evil piece of legislation is directed toward the pregnancy resource centers of Vermont and means to put us out of the picture.
The committee heard testimony from Planned Parenthood this week and clapped and cooed to her "facts" and THEN took seriously a letter from S. Lauren Hibbert, Deputy Secretary of State and Lauren Layman, General Counsel, Office of Professional Regulation in which these two women parrotted recommended amendments (from Planned Parenthood's general counsel, no less!) to this already terrible bill. These recommendations are just adding more ways to hamstring our ministry and are biased towards PP in the extreme. When our Executive Director Deb and Mary Beerworth of VRLC testified, each one got a short amount of time in which to give the facts. These people get a long time and the fawning of the committee over them is nauseating. We are asking you to watch Lucy Leriche's testimony in front of the committee and judge for yourselves. https://www.youtube.com/live/o3ZmTAau7rc?feature=share These folks lie as easily as they breathe and God will judge between us and them, BUT we need your help in the meantime. Please call your representatives and if you know of a Christian law firm or lawyer that can advise us, please send us their contact information. Time is of the essence! View insights 0 post reach Like Comment Send |
March 2024
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