802-658-8046, Business Line 802-658-2184, Client Line
Because snowy roads are almost here, we have put our mobile clinic up for the winter. We are very grateful to have found a safe storage spot, and we'll be back out in the Spring! Thank you to all of our volunteers who helped us be available this year - we appreciate you all!
We hope you can take a little time to drop by during our Christmas open house next Tuesday, Dec. 5th from 11:30-1:30! We hope you can join us!
First off, we just want you to know that we will be closed from Wednesday, Nov. 22 thru Sunday, Nov. 26 for the Thanksgiving holiday. We truly hope your Thanksgiving will a time of fellowship with friends and family, giving blessings to our creator for all of His marvelous gifts!
What do we mean by "VT style"? Unless you've been away from the state for a very long time, you are aware of how badly VT has been taken over by "progressive" thinking and legislation. We have gone from a state known for it's rugged individuals, farms, muddy roads, sap buckets, church dinners and "lively" town meetings to a state where a lot of us are sitting here trying to figure what just hit us in this past decade - especially these past few years! If one is looking for things to feel down about, VT offers that in spades right now. Abortion is now the new religion, casual sex is the new drug and actual pharmaceutical drug use is at an all-time high. People who speak out against evil are punished, while our legal system is letting dangerous criminals walk freely among us. HOWEVER, we are reminded often in scripture to take our eyes off the physical and look to the eternal instead. So, for us this year, Thanksgiving VT style is being thankful for the clients who took the initiative and showed up for their appointments, the babies that made it safely into this world, the generous hearts of our donors, our health, cars that run, our warm homes, our children, our furry friends, friends that love us, food in our pantries and clothes on our backs. We are richly blessed! Take a few minutes each day this week if you can to remember how far you've come and what lies ahead for those who believe on the Son. We are princes and princesses, headed back to our heavenly Father very soon, to a home that He is preparing for us. Praise God! Give thanks! Just a quick reminder: the annual banquet will be not this Thursday, but the next! The cut-off for registration is next Monday, Sept. 11th at 3:30pm. We will be closed Wednesday and Thursday getting ready, so please get those last-minute guest lists to us asap.
Thank you all for helping with the many, many facets of putting on an event like this! IF any of you has a truck and might be able to help some of us bring tables to and from a church or two that we hope to borrow from, please reach out to Terri Seward here at the center. Thank you! The Baby Bottle Campaign is winding down, with just a few churches running late campaigns on our behalf. Our most sincere and humble thanks to everyone who supported this fundraiser. We will be sending out results letters with the church totals very soon. We were happily amazed at the response this year - which is on track to be bigger than last year!!!! God is SO good!
Now we are deep in preparation for the annual banquet. This year's featured speaker is Mayra Rodriquez, a darling of Planned Parenthood until she wasn't. Then she was wrongfully fired. Why? For questioning shady business practices that were often dangerous for the women who trusted the abortion giant with their bodies. This will be an encouraging evening for all our battle-weary friends. We're attaching a copy of the invitation - please let us know if you are able to attend and we'll get you registered! Thank you all again and may God continue to bless you and keep you safe. This past Saturday evening, the Knights of Columbus helped Dick and Sally Pepin put on a wonderful roast beef dinner for our benefit. This one event brought in over $7000 to help us help others! We are so grateful for the knights who worked tirelessly for several days to set up the hall for over 200 people, prepared the meal and served, then served some more.
But this event wouldn't have happened without it being the dream idea of Dick Pepin and helped bring to reality by his helpmate Sally. We are so blown away by their love for the little ones and how incredibly hard they worked to secure donations of food, money, and items for the silent auction. There were several women who worked hard to help set up with everyone, keep things cleaned up and pies cut as well, but they didn't want their pictures taken! We appreciate each and every one of you. God bless you all! From Left to Right: At St. Mary’s Parish Hall in St. Albans, Vermont: KofC Milton’s Grand Knight Gille Thibault (10417), A. Garibay (297), Tim Downs (10417), Chairman and Team Lead Dick Pepin (10417), Trustee Peter Allard (297), Ed Malila (10417), and District Deputy 1 Mike Patnode (7669). Photo taken by: Council 297 Grand Knight Valdemar Garibay. A big Thank You to Pam Garcia for what we're going to call "Pam's Pouches"! She creates lovely zippered pouches, large enough to stuff with all sorts of care items for women.
Including wonderful key fobs, which we love! Then what did she do? She came back with one for each staff member at Aspire! I love mine!!! We have the bestest friends! ALERT! We need all hands on deck, to call your representatives immediately. Please let them know you strongly oppose bill S.37 (An act relating to access to legally protected health care activity and regulation of health care workers). Friends, this evil piece of legislation is directed toward the pregnancy resource centers of Vermont and means to put us out of the picture.
The committee heard testimony from Planned Parenthood this week and clapped and cooed to her "facts" and THEN took seriously a letter from S. Lauren Hibbert, Deputy Secretary of State and Lauren Layman, General Counsel, Office of Professional Regulation in which these two women parrotted recommended amendments (from Planned Parenthood's general counsel, no less!) to this already terrible bill. These recommendations are just adding more ways to hamstring our ministry and are biased towards PP in the extreme. When our Executive Director Deb and Mary Beerworth of VRLC testified, each one got a short amount of time in which to give the facts. These people get a long time and the fawning of the committee over them is nauseating. We are asking you to watch Lucy Leriche's testimony in front of the committee and judge for yourselves. https://www.youtube.com/live/o3ZmTAau7rc?feature=share These folks lie as easily as they breathe and God will judge between us and them, BUT we need your help in the meantime. Please call your representatives and if you know of a Christian law firm or lawyer that can advise us, please send us their contact information. Time is of the essence! View insights 0 post reach Like Comment Send |
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